
OH mercy.... what a night !!

Oh boy what a night I had! .. I got into the games again.. right now I am playing puzzle games they really push me to the brink at times.. Oh yeh they do.. The one I am playing right now is called heirophant and damn its a boggler .. kinda a rubiks cube without the twisting . and it keeps getting harder.. I thought at first that it was SO easy.. yeh my ass the first two or three levels are .. Called suckering you in and look out once the hook is set your not able to wiggle off!! I cant just walk away from it because why? I'm a sucker .. flat out.. I hate to leave and not win and thats the sucker of this game .. you get so close and trap yourself!I read someplace that women are more into online gameing and stuff then men are.. note this study does not count male children under the age of 18.. seems the kids love to play some games action and such appeal to the lil thugs women on the other hand seem to like any sort of puzzle game.. and we are good at it.. I think thats because puzzles engage us at a level that we are most comfortable with.. we have to think.. oh hell no; males of any age dont think they just wanna do.. apply that statement across the board to males of all ages.. slam bam thank you ma'am to pow bam bang .. doesnt matter they just want instant win or gradifaction.. WOMEN on the other hand THINK first .. oh hell yes I am a snot.
Do you think about the very first games you played ? I remember my fist PC game .. Baulders Gate.. OH wow what a great game .. a huge puzzle of course I think most of us who ever played D&D with friends enjoyed Baulders Gate and we played like crazy for coupla years .. then other stuff came out .. there was war craft.. now that one I didnt like so much .. was kinda pointless. TO ME anyways.. I gave that one away just because I didnt like the damn thing.. I loved Myst and all its spin offs .. again a huge puzzle .. and then theres my all time favorite agame .. Diablo.. the first game was slower than I liked but still kinda kinky and fun in a twisted way.. I got the Diablo :LoD 2 about five years ago and guess what ? I still play it alot.. I have beat the game useing 2 out of the 5 offered classes.. Amazon and Assision.. killer fighters and fun to play .. the Barbarian is fun but he doesnt move in a way I understand. The odd thing is I dont understand the magic user at all she is not my favorite yet I have watched other play her and she is awesome when she is fully developed the Druid I like alot and his powers of the earth are not so diffrent that the mage but he plays diffrently.. a warrior with suprises . the necro and the paladin are fun still learning them and I have been playing this game for nearly 5 yrs .. yeh slow learner I guess. but I have fun with it.. ..Another game .. more a time waster of course is Mah Johgg I like that one to because I can kinda get lost .. its best used when I wanna "hide" from the world.. What do you do for fun on a slow day? I be back later to offer my game scores .. LOL


Deepak Menon said...

Dear Beautiful Rambler - play the game "Cossacks" if you can get it and that is a great game - A military game you will like very much mainly because your friend the demoninlove likes it because it is so challanging and since I liked it that beautiful Gypsey will like it because I like her nose ring very much - whatever all that means - the name of the game is "Cossacks"
With a big flying tackling Hug for the sweet Diana

Foxie said...

Is it a puzzle of some sort? I like to place chess to

Deepak Menon said...

Silly UnFoxie like Diana - Let us start the Chess Game - I move King pawn 4 Send your move by yahoo messenger and let us see how fast we play it ...