
Mo hates women

 MO bill hb126 is the bill.

MO states that conception begins at fertilization - making IUDs, plan B, and some hormonal based contraceptives. This will impact IVF as some doctors have already made public statements to their clients that they will only be implanting one fertilized egg at a time.

Preforming an abortion (this goes for doctors and women who induce abortions via a pill or any other method) is now a class B felony with 5-15 years imprisonment. It goes even for women who get a pill in any way. If you have any part of inducing an abortion, you can be punished. However, this does not include for a person who has an abortion preformed upon (say you go to a doctor and get an abortion- only the doctor would be punished).

THIS IS BIG FOR ANYONE WHO IS PREGNANT PLEASE READ THIS SECTION: MO states that the burden of proof to prove that you did not have an abortion will be on YOU. Keep in mind, many abortion pills are indistinguishable from miscarriages. THIS MEANS THAT IF YOU HAVE A MISCARRIAGE YOU CAN BE PUNISHED WITH THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW!!! For those who don’t know: you can’t control if your body has a miscarriage. It’s a completely natural process that cannot be controlled.

Before preforming an abortion, even in the case of miscarriage, the physician must evaluate heart and brain activity. This means that, even if the fetus is dead, if there is any electrical impulse an abortion cannot be preformed unless any of the exceptions stated below.

Exceptions to the law:

  • if the pregnant person is at imminent risk of death or loosing a major bodily function. This does not include an ectopic pregnancy as you aren’t at risk of death or loss of bodily function until after your tube ruptures.