
I guess.....

I need to learn how to talk better .. dunno its stupid how trying to give an honest complement could give me the case of funk I find my self in .. I was trying to say I liked her for her outlook and the fact she was nice to know but she said I was talking "down " to her like she was stupid .. That wasn't my intent but she took it that way... and it firkin bothered me that I couldn't even do one thing right with these people .. is there a special way to give a complement to some one? The lady is funny interesting and has lots of qualities I admire in a person and she said I was talking down to her .. that's really stupid .. now that I think about it I should realize that women don't do complements well they are afraid to accept them.. I wasn't trying to pander to this woman I was trying to say thanks for being yourself but my bad she took the wrong way.. yeh I got put in my place .. guess my shit don't stink good enough yanno .. .. just sad really that this happens but as I sit here thinking and blogging I realize we do lose people skills when we "live" on the Internet .. is it because we don't have the body language to take our cues from or the eyes to watch as we talk? I dunno, how much do others read folks like that for cues in how they react to us & I do miss that bit of extra in my daily interchanges on line .. I loved the fact that with a vid camera I could have that ..but seems most folks are afraid to use them..why ? We used to sit down and enjoy having coffee or such in each others homes .. how is this camera thing any different? Is it the distances or the fact we really don't know each other? making friends takes effort it usually starts with a complement and a laugh .. only I guess I need to learn how to do that better yanno? I don't know; really I am just bummed is all.
Anyone want to teach me the art of talking better to others ?

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