
Fresh page

well now a fresh start, a new blog I have learned alot from my first blogging attempts. Hey what can I say for myself? I had to learn someplace didnt I? I read a book today that said.. even whores were once virgins and yanno I kinda think bloggers are that way to. we try many things and edit and reshape and often move our muse to better pastures and always hope for better things. I think here I will just let my feelings and thoughts flow into the true meaning of freefall and enjoy the things that come forth. Poetry and such says alot about a blogger, Some good some bad but in the end its all planted and covered with more of the same.. so join me a little while and see where the ideas take us as I begin the freefall of this new blog


Deepak Menon said...

This is the first comment on your blog you beautiful old crone which is now reassigned to beautiful old crony - because you have grown in stature with this freefall towards even more ideosyncracies which will strengthen the abstruse thought processes of that demoninlove called Deepak who treasures her as a wonderful crony
So Diana send me a hug to welcome me to your new world and mine is already attached to this post ..
Your friend

Foxie said...

And BIG Hugss to you as well my wise old friend.. I am so glad you took a peek into my new world of hurbis and weird thoughts. .. stick around I am sure we will entertain ourselves and others with our floatsam and jetsam of ongoing hurbis in this spin of uncontrolled freefall
:; dances off tossing Laughter and silly stuff along the path ::