I got to thinking about how and where I want this blog : this newely created slice of me to go.. I got up this morning and thought well? and the "well" looked back and snickered ... DAMN now thats bad isnt it? .. At a loss because I really dont want to be a flame spewing anti war diss the gov type anymore.. OH dont get me wrong I havent changed at all.. I have how ever sunk to a eye rolling disgust of my goverment and the fool in charge.. respect must be earned and those chickenhawks and liars aint gonna get it from me. Not to say I dont have lots to say about the way they do stuff but I got other places to vent and shake my finger from.
Food? naw to that as well .. I am on a perpetual diet.. coffee and chocolate there is no room for food these days, besides I got a big enough ass anyways... my kids say I am one to begin with..
* ponders * humm must be why I vote a mostly democratic ticket these days .. yanno I used to be a republican yep for years & years untill I fell on hard times and learned a few major lessons..
Music? pass on that to for the most part .. its over done at other places and theres to many kids who know to little of the good stuff .. I keep that to myself as well...
OH I know "pet peeves" thats not one that I have toyed with befor.. I got alot of em to .. the best ones of course come from my own fubars .. yanno the ones about survay says you get a freebie and so ya play and play and play and no end insight? and then just as you give up the last page wants you to buy just one of the offering .. .. now how the flip did that get there? all's I wanted was my free bigscreen SHEESH! oh and because I screwed up and gave my phone number I will be treated to ongoing sales calls at 7 AM from a recording .. OMG the things I do to make my life hell at times. My own fault of course but I do take it out on the few unlucky salesmen who try so hard to be pleseant inspite of my rudeness . They do pretty good for the most part no matter what I say.. I think maybe one or two has hung up on me when I tell em some strange shit about how my blow up dollie got stolen and her antomincally correct blow up SO is still greiveing. I think those were the folks who wanted me to donate to the newest scam by the 700 club or to help buy ol' fartwell a new suit to preach in.. Hell I dont remember .. I just try to brighten MY DAY since those idiots almost ruined it by calling me at the butt crack of dawn . They deserve what they get if I dont have my glass's on and a cup of coffee in my hand befor the phone rings. I am sure you understand my point quite well.
Well enough of this mornings spew and hurbis Its freefall time and I gotta make an effort someplace today.. ya'll have a good day and SMILE they be so busy wondering why ya smilling at em they wont look back at yer arse!
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