Really, WHY? I have shut down and no longer talk to anyone other than YOU, or the kids NO ONE else. Not for the past 6 fuckn months. I do not talk to ANYONE but you guys . I hate listening to listen to the jackassery of right wing ONN or other Qannon dipshits. Why are you yelling at me for having a mind ?. I don’t accept the nutter butter far right wing beliefs like you do. Those chicken hawks who never fought or served in the military like loser Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity or the rest of that group. Show me one of those Jack asss who served in the military or did something of fucking value for this country . I can’t respect trash talking newscasters/ right wing bloggersor yellow rag fearmongers we have stirring up the people.
No I am not thrilled with Kamala Harris, or even Biden all the time but you wanna rage at me, someone who sees history and understand that the game is to play until the next fall guy is elected.
I keep my POV to myself until you goad me into being a racist bitch or agree with you just to shut your yelling down .. I do not care if the border is open, you seem to forget that closed border works two ways .. them out and us in..
You wanna hear racism? Deport the Somalis. ALL of them, they don’t want to assimilate into being Americans they want sharia law , they want us to bend to them. Fuck that shit DEPORT everyone of them . Children included because they are a fifth column of hate, Start shooting all the M13 gangs. No court just fast and quick street justice for their crimes against people . Refuse ALL ME folks.. set up a special land just for them like the world did for The Jews. We should let them support themselves.. they want. sharia law let them. In fact let’s put a wall around Afghanistan and send the ragheads there to live like they want.we did it for the Jews because we as a nation DID NOT want them here so Israel was created to ease our collective conscious . Turn away if you can’t watch them eat each other. Everyone who ain’t gonna work and make Americans better needs to go because honestly 95% of the people who come here and get citizenship want a better life. The media feeds off of strife so they with the help of the rich and powerful keep us stirred up and at each other’s throats.
Including us, a mother and daughter who should not be yelling at each other about shit we can’t control.
I am not gonna agree that Biden is a senile old man because of his actions in pulling out of a shit country on the TIMELINE Trump set up. YES the timeline TRUMP negotiated and signed for. You should let the next 4 years play out and see if it gets better or if your lunatic fear monger newscaster were right about anything. Remember they get paid for readership not for being honest or truthful
The 25th amendment will not be invoked against Biden any more than it was invoked against Trump simply because the Vice President was more dangours than some old fool who might actually have more brains than political pundits give him. No liberal wants Harris as POTUS, just like no Conservatives wanted Pence. We are/ were smart enough to not trust them two.
Honestly we are not as free as we think we are . We are highly manipulated and herded into what makes profit for the powerful. We the everyday folks get scraps yet we think we are free ? Trust me that’s a’s been a lie since the very beginning.
All that said please don’t talk to me like I am stupid. I chose to stop talking to other folks because of the ongoing bullshit of Political STUPID shit, and how it divided this house, but it doesn’t mean you need me to agree with you. Yeah I miss talking to others but guess what, peace in this house is more important than friends.
Trump got his 4 years, Biden will get his and without a doubt will be a one term potus just like Trump. Harris won’t run against Biden because she is a sitting VP .. ( pray Biden doesnt die in office!) neither side has a good choice to offer as leader so we will get either another idiot or a lunatic in the next go around. And that’s kinda sad if you think about it . This is the political cycle of baffle em with bullshit because if they told us the truth we would drag them out and hang everyone of them bastards.
Meantime. Please don’t yell at me for shit like politics. Or religious beliefs . They are based on self serving lies that powerful men / clerics want folks to believe. If anything believe that the die has been cast and what happens will happen, you have no say so in the outcome. We ARE the pawns of the rich and powerful. Keeping us divided and off balance is key to their survival not ours.
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